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Family of 14-year-old boy in dismay as kidnappers demand Shillings 30 million ransom


Family of 14-year-old boy in dismay as kidnappers demand Shillings 30 million ransom

Unknown persons who kidnapped a 14-year-old boy identified as Kasita Muyinda, a student of Naalya secondary school and resident of Bwase cell in Budaka town council in Budaka district, are demanding a ransom of Shillings 30million to release him.

Muyanda was first abducted last month but returned without injury. He, however, lost money and his ID.

He is a son to Difasi Muyinda, a veterinary assistant attached to Budaka district local government.

According to Immaculate Alaso the Bukedi North Region Police spokesperson, the kidnappers made a ransom demand on Sunday evening. 

The unknown persons called the victim’s family using mobile phone number 0755961625 registered in the names of Naguda Moreen.

The victim’s father says that a yet-to-be-identified relative picked up the teenager for their usual evening ride but did not return home. 

The family was relaxed, thinking the teenager was with his friends only to receive a call at night demanding ransom. 

The police directorate of Crime intelligence has already commenced investigations to find the teenager.

Cases of kidnapping have increased in the last two years. The Police Crimes report captured 207 cases of kidnapping that were reported in 2020, compared to 159 in 2019.

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