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Four men disappear into Mt Elgon NP in search of Mercury


Four men disappear into Mt Elgon NP in search of Mercury

The police in Kapchorwa are searching for four men who disappeared while searching for Mercury in the Mt Elgon National Park through Tariep Uper side.
The men have been identified as Kiplangat Dismas 35 years a shop keeper and resident of Mokoyon cell central division Kapchorwa municipality, Kintu Abed, 45 years, a resident of California cell, Kawowo ward central division, Kapchorwa municipality, Mugoma Hassan, 59 years, a carpenter and resident of Kapswahili cell, Chepsukuroi Ward, central division Kapchorwa municipality and Chelangat Benson 70 years, a resident of Chemusat cell, Tariet ward , East division Kapchorwa municipality.
It is alleged that the four men disappeared on 22 June 2022 while searching for mercury.
According to ASP Chesang Fredmark the PRO Sipi Region, the police has commenced investigations into the matter.
He appealed to the members of the public to help them with any information that could lead to the recovery of the said people.

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