Amuriat granted bail after night in police cells at Mpigi
The Forum for Democratic Change, FDC Party Presidential candidate Patrick Oboi Amuriat has been charged with breaking traffic rules before the Mpigi Chief Magistrate Her Worship Nabaasa Ruth.
Amuriat was arrested on Sunday in Mpigi after a scuffle with several police officers led by the OC, ASP Erias Twesigye.
Amuriat was presented in court on charges of “Accepting to be Carried in a Dangerous manner” when he rode on the roof of a vehicle Reg No UBF 042D Land Cruiser White in color. The candidate told Court that the charges were false.
His lawyers, Counsel (s) Ernest Kalibbala and Golooba Mohammed requested for the release of their client on bail, arguing that he is a responsible citizen and Party Presidential candidate for the FDC.
He was granted a UGX 5 Million non cash bail while his sureties were bonded at UGX10 Million not cash.
Her Worship Nabaasa adjourned the matter to 9th February 2021.