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Seven dead, 4 injured in Gulu Highway accident


Seven dead, 4 injured in Gulu Highway accident

Seven people have been confirmed dead and four others critically injured in an accident that happened this morning in Nakasongola district along Kampala Gulu highway.

The accident involved a taxi registration UBE 902T Toyota Hiace and trailer SSD 078U/SSD773A all from Kampala city. The taxi was heading to Kinyogogga sub-county, Nakaseke district whereas the trailer was heading to South Sudan.

The accident occurred at around 8;30pm at Kyampisi village in Kakooge sub-county in Nakasongola district.

According to Isah Ssemwogerere the Savannah Regional Police Spokesperson, the taxi rammed into the stationary trailer from behind killing seven passengers on spot and injuring four others.

Police rushed to the scene and transferred the injured to Nakasongola Health Center IV for treatment while the dead bodies were also transferred to the mortuary at the same health center but they are yet to be identified.

The wreckage of the taxi was also transferred to Nakasongola Central Police Station.

According to eyewitnesses the taxi driver was trying to overtake but saw an oncoming bus and stayed in his lane only to ram into the stationary vehicle which he thought was on the move.

Policemen fired live bullets to disperse residents who wanted to beat up the driver of the trailer whom they accused of causing the accident by parking on the road but left no sign for other users.

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