Security Agencies warn Ugandans to remain home today, wait for new Presidential directives
Ugandans have been warned to remain in their homes until the president lifts the lockdown.
The police spokesperson CP Fred Enanga says the leadership of the Joint Security Agencies, has noted with serious concern calls by selected politicians, encouraging the public to disregard the lockdown and re-open their businesses and activities.
Enanga noted that the lifting of the lockdown restrictions without a proper plan, means throwing away all protection, which is very dangerous and risky for the health and safety of Ugandans and visitors in the country.
“We are all aware the pandemic has not disappeared and therefore, need to remain cautious and not lose out on the individual and collective gains we have all made in keeping ourselves and everyone else safe. Let us therefore, wait for the address of H.E. The President and follow the range of options that the government is looking to provide” Enanga said.
He added that the Joint Security Agencies, will continue to strictly enforce the lockdown measures and urge the public to strictly abide by the rules and regulations still in place.