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Police to give back motorcycles impounded during curfew operations following the Presidential directive


Police to give back motorcycles impounded during curfew operations following the Presidential directive

The police will adhere to the Presidential directive of giving back motorcycles that were impounded during curfew operations, back to the riders without any penalties.

President Museveni made the directive while addressing the nation on Wednesday night. Tens of thousands of motorcycles were impounded by police during the operations. While some of the riders paid the penalties and got back their bikes, others are still parked at different police stations across the country.

Luke Owoyesigyire the Kampala Metropolitan deputy police spokesperson says that the owners must go to the different stations with log books and pick their bikes.

For those whose motorcycles are on loans and logbooks are in Banks, they must bring agreements of companies from companies that hold the logbooks.

Owoyesigyire says they are only considering riders whose motorcycles were impounded before the presidential directive.

He also called upon riders who would abandon their motorcycles at different police check points to go and pick them at no cost, but must also curry proof of ownership.

However, he warned that starting today, the police will resume the operations and those found riding past curfew time will be penalized.

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