Parish Model takes shape as Cabinet discusses status and update
Cabinet has noted the Status of the implementation of the Parish Development Model which is expected to lead to Social Economic Transformation by increasing food security and improving household incomes.
The Parish model is expected to increase production and productivity throughout the entire value chain from production to post-harvest handling, transportation, storage and marketing, application of modern technology, irrigation, provision of improved varieties, advice on the local and external markets, suitability, and acreage of land and appropriate Technical extension services.
It will also provide the necessary Social and Economic infrastructure, including community access roads, bridges, availability of affordable energy, water for domestic consumption and production, local markets, and economic services;
To increase participation of households in the financial sector through financial literacy, improved business management, and a culture of saving, credit, and investment; To strengthen social services at the grassroots in terms of health, education, environmental management, improved housing, sanitation, and hygiene.
To increase awareness, mobilization, and attitude change among the population to take responsibility to improve their own livelihood incomes;
To maintain a community information system that will provide administrative and economic data at the parish level, for improved planning and development; and deepen decentralization by strengthening governance and administration of the localities.
As opposed to previous interventions like Entandikwa among other government programs, the Parish Development Model will look at different aspects of advancing household development.
Residents of a parish will be required to form Savings and Credit Cooperatives (Saccos). The participating parish-SACCOs under the model will then lend funds from the Parish Revolving Fund to individual households or household collectives at a concessional interest rate.