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Man kills girlfriend as police investigate three sudden deaths in Kampala


Man kills girlfriend as police investigate three sudden deaths in Kampala

Police in Kampala is searching for Ochen Patrick a resident of Lubowa Estate for the murder of his girlfriend Lillian Wanyuki.

Wanyuki, a Kenyan national has been working as a house help for a foreign family in Munyonyo & had gone to visit Ochen on Sunday when he killed her.

According to ASP Luke Owoyesigyire the KMP PRO, the deceased’s body was found in a pull of blood on Monday morning with signs of blunt force trauma.

“We believe these two got a domestic issue which led to the murder. Her body was recovered in a pool of blood and suspected to have been hit continuously on the head by bricks and we believe blunt force trauma caused her death” Owoyesigyire says.

He added that Wanyuki’s body was conveyed to Mulago City mortuary, while Ochen is on the run. Owoyesigyire also noted that the relevant embassies will be informed of the unfortunate incident.

Meanwhile, police registered three sudden deaths last week including that of 38-year-old Shamirah Abdul who was found dead on Modern Coast Bus No. UBB 979G that was traveling from Nairobi to Uganda.

It is alleged that when the bus driver parked along Nkrumah Road, Shamirah’s husband identified as Mohammed Ssekimpi discovered that the wife had died.

According to Owoyesigyire, they discovered that the deceased was working in Saudi Arabia as a domestic worker, but her contract was terminated after developing health complications and she had returned home to seek medical assistance.

They are still awaiting a post-mortem report to determine the cause of her death.

Another sudden death was registered on Sunday 2nd January 2022, when one Yaweh Joshua a 13-year-old boy collapsed and died while playing football at Kololo sports ground. The cause of death is also not yet known as the police await a post-mortem report from Mulago City mortuary.

Meanwhile, police recovered another body of an unidentified man at golf course on Monday morning. According to Owoyesigyire, allegations around the area indicate that he had a mental issue, but they are yet to ascertain that.

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