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Four Police Commanders face disciplinary committee for embezzling UGX810,000 meant for salaries of SPCs


Four Police Commanders face disciplinary committee for embezzling UGX810,000 meant for salaries of SPCs

Four police officers in Pakwach District have been arraigned before the Regional Police Disciplinary Court in Arua for allegedly embezzling 810,000 Shillings.

Frank Muzoora the District Police Commander, Charles Ndabangutse the OC CID, Charles Kerfua Crime Intelligence, and Mafabi Collins, the OC Traffic Pakwach were liable for underpayment of Special Police Constables-SPCs who provided security during the January general elections. 

According to the records, Pakwach Police Station received 60 Million Shillings to pay 162 SPCs with each supposed to get 375,000 Shillings but they were instead paid 370, 000 Shillings.

On February 5, the RPC West Nile wrote to the PSU to investigate the underpayment of SPCs in Pakwach following some complaints about the officers.

The acting head of PSU in charge of the West Nile region Francis Otim, says that they completed investigations and forwarded the file to headquarters which gave orders to the region to constitute a Disciplinary Committee to try the four Police Officers.

The accused officers will stay within Arua to wait for the committee’s decision.

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