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FDC wants General Muhoozi Court-martialed, dismissed with disgrace and sent to Luzira


FDC wants General Muhoozi Court-martialed, dismissed with disgrace and sent to Luzira

The opposition Forum for Democratic Change FDC party wants the newly decorated General Muhoozi Kainerugaba the Senior Presidential Advisor on Special Operations to be dismissed from the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces, UPDF

The call was made by the FDC party spokesperson Hon Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda who noted that General Muhoozi repeatedly and unprovoked insulted Kenya in several of his tweets.

“He tweeted that he can capture Nairobi in one week. He later suggested that his “great father” should be the president of East Africa and that the Kenyan President should be his deputy. That the President of Rwanda is only fit to be a minister in that government of East Africa led by his father,” says Nganda.

He further explained that the FDC President Hon. Eng. Patrick Amuriat spoke about this indiscipline and that the party hereby re-iterate its strong objection to this.

“The FDC wants Muhoozi Kainerugaba to be court-martialed, dismissed from the army with disgrace and sent to Luzira. That is what section 145 of the UPDF Act on Scandalous behaviour by officers says. 145 (1) An officer who behaves in a scandalous manner unbecoming of an officer, commits an offence and is, on conviction, liable to suffer dismissal from the Defence Forces with or without disgrace. 145 (2) For purposes of this section, “scandalous conduct” means the personal conduct of an officer which is generally against public order, expectations and morality, whether or not the conduct directly or indirectly affects others,” Nganda added.

He argued that the law is very clear and that this is scandalous behaviour.

Hon Nganda says that by promoting him, Museveni went against the spirit of the law. “In fact, this precedent of rewarding misconduct will now be used by others.”

The FDC spokesperson told the media at Najjanankumbi on Monday that the party might be tempted to seek judicial review of Muhoozi treatment/promotion after his scandalous behaviour.

He wondered why the president does not employ his son in the family business.

“Mr Museveni is a good herdsman. Why doesn’t he employ his son at one of his farms if he thinks he is a very good manager?” Nganda wondered.

Earlier today, General Muhoozi was officially decorated by his uncle Gen Salim Saleh and his wife Charlotte Kainerugaba at Bombo. He also handed over the office of Commander Land Forces to Lt Gen Kayanja Muhanga.

Sarah K. Biryomumaisho is a seasoned multimedia Award Winning journalist with 11 years of experience in broadcast and writing. She is recognized for her expertise in the field and holds a Diploma in Business Administration from Makerere Business Institute, which has equipped her with a strong foundation in business principles. Sarah's commitment to professional development is evident through her continuous pursuit of knowledge and skills. She has obtained a Certificate in Media Management from Women in News, an esteemed organization dedicated to empowering women in the media industry. In 2020, she successfully completed a Course in Wikimedia, demonstrating her proficiency as one of the few Wikipedia Editors in the country. To further enhance her reporting capabilities, Sarah has also acquired a certificate in Gender Justice Reporting from The International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF). This specialized training has equipped her with a deeper understanding of gender-related issues and their portrayal in the media. Throughout her career, Sarah has contributed her talent to various media houses, including six radio stations, where she has showcased her versatility and adaptability. Her most recent engagements include Galaxy FM 100.2 and Radio 4. Additionally, she has served as a writer for Andariya Magazine, further demonstrating her ability to excel in different mediums. Sarah's expertise extends beyond journalism. She has worked as a Digital Communications consultant for the revitalized Uganda Airlines, leveraging her skills to effectively communicate the airline's message in the digital sphere. Her passion for digital media and technology makes her a valuable asset in the evolving landscape of communication. In her entrepreneurial pursuits, Sarah is the proud owner of TheUgPost, a renowned media organization with a strong presence in Uganda and a global reach. Through this platform, she continues to make a significant impact by providing reliable and engaging content to a wide audience. Sarah won the Top Environmental Journalist Award 2023 from Uganda Biodiversity Fund. Twitter;

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