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FDC wants AstraZeneca vaccine re-examined


FDC wants AstraZeneca vaccine re-examined

The Forum for Democratic Change, FDC party is concerned about the AstraZeneca vaccine which is being used to vaccinate Ugandans against COVID-19.

The party’s president Patrick Amuriat told a press conference at the party head offices in Najjanankumbi on Monday morning, that the vaccine has raised a lot of concern in some countries like Denmark, Austria and Ireland among other countries have suspended the use of AstraZeneca.

“These countries have suspended the use of this vaccine on account of its side effects on their population. Low platelet counts that affects clotting of blood has been identified as one of the side effects” Amuriat said.

He therefore called upon government to re-examine the side effects of this vaccine, given the way citizens of other countries are responding to it.

“No wonder yesterday in his speech to the nation, Mr. Museveni said he hasn’t yet taken the vaccine. Why doesn’t he take the vaccine like other world leaders have done? The other day we saw H.E the president of Rwanda Paul Kagame, publicly being vaccinated, here we are being sent to go take the vaccine yet the leaders are hesitant to do the same” Amuriat added.

He added that they are also concerned by the announcement by the ministry of health that one must sign a consent form before receiving the vaccine, which means that Ugandans must be ready for consequences that follow.

According to Amuriat, this means that the government and Manufacturers are abdicating from their responsibility which he says is unfortunate in a case where they are subjecting over 30 million people to a vaccine.

“This also means that the manufacturers and distributors of this vaccine are subjecting the vaccine to trial, using Ugandans. We are being turned into Guinea pigs that are being subjected to an experiment of a vaccine that is already causing trouble in other countries and our only conclusion can be that these are money makers who do not care about the health of the citizens of Uganda” he said.

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