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FDC party President arrives at kyambogo aboard police car, barefooted


FDC party President arrives at kyambogo aboard police car, barefooted

Patrick Oboi Amuriat, the Forum for Democratic Change Party presidential flag bearer has Tuesday arrived at Kyambogo nomination centre barefooted aboard a police vehicle, following his arrest earlier today.

Amuriat was arrested at the party head offices in Najjanankumbi where he had gone to meet other party leaders for prayers, and later the team would head to the nomination grounds.

However, he was arrested and forced into a police car which drove him directly to Kyambogo.

Upon arrival, a visibly angry Amuriat told the press that there is no democracy in a country where a whole presidential aspirant is treated like a criminal and challenged the electoral commission to do better by all Ugandans in the upcoming election.

“It is extremely annoying that I have been harassed this way. I don’t think we have democracy in this country. I did not do anything wrong, I don’t know where my team is” an angry Amuriat said.

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