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39 year old man in trouble for Impersonating Kiira Region Police Commander


39 year old man in trouble for Impersonating Kiira Region Police Commander

A 39- year old man is in hot soup after Police in the Kiira region arrested him for allegedly impersonating the Region Police Commander, Dauda Hiriga.

the suspect is Gabriel Mukiibi, a resident of Wakitaka cell in Northern Division, Jinja City. He was arrested from his hideout in Wakitaka cell on Tuesday night.

According to police, they received several reports alleging that Mukiibi would impersonate Hiriga and go to factories across the city, demanding got money to meet the funeral expenses of officers who lose relatives each month.

The funds would range between 300,000-1,000,000 Shillings which prompted the factory owners to raise complaints before police authorities, claiming that, the monthly remittances were negatively impacting the smooth operations of some of the smaller factories whose businesses were badly affected by the covid19 lockdown.

It is also alleged that Mukiibi used to stage illegal roadblocks in the city suburbs to extort money from unsuspecting civilians who are found of violating curfew guidelines.

Mukiibi confessed to having obtained money through false pretence and asked police authorities to forgive him.

Abbey Ngako Kiira Region Police Spokesperson says Mukiibi’s actions had created a bad image for the police leadership within the city and his arrest is a relief that will help redeem their reputation.

The suspect is also allegedly a renowned counterfeit currency dealer and a fake land dealer, who has been on the police’s wanted list for the past eight months.

Mukiibi faces 3 counts of obtaining money through false pretence, dealing in fake currency, orchestrating illegal land transactions and impersonation.

He is being held at Nalufenya police station.

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