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Woman Reports Many Years Of Being Assaulted By Husband


Woman Reports Many Years Of Being Assaulted By Husband

Daphine Mukalazi resident of Kawempe Tula, aged 25 has reported a case of numerous assaults by her husband Suna Hamuza aged 50. According to Mukalazi, she got married at the early age of 16 years but since then, she has been a victim of torture and assault by her husband.

Mukalazi says she gets threatened by her husband that if she ever reports any case of assault, she lose her life. It was recently when she ran to Kawempe Police and filed a case of assault but the Police have not yet acted.

Her efforts to run away from the marriage have been futile as her own family members refused to listen to, or even help her but rather they side with Hamuza perhaps because he is a rich man who provides for them every time they reach out to him.

Mukalazi has never been employed ever since she dropped out of school to marry Hamuza whom they have been together for 10 years but in an unhappy relationship. It was Hamuza’s advice that she stays home as he will provide for her. Mukalazi is currently seeking justice and looking for whoever can help her out of the relationship.

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