Unknown thugs steal Seven Motorcycles from parking lot in Wakiso
The Police at Wakiso are investigating circumstances under which seven motorcycles were stolen from a Parking lot at Pacific Tarvan located at Nakabugo trading centre.
According to ASP Luke Owoyesigyire Deputy PRO KMP, the incident happened yesterday 20/06/2022 at an unknown time. The security guards at the crime scene allege that four men booked rooms at Pacific lodges at about 9 pm on that fateful night.
They also allege that while they were in the parking the four men started buying beers for the two security guards and two barmaids, before buying them chicken and chips.
However, it is suspected that the food was laced with substances that made them sleep off immediately after consumption.
Owoyesigyire adds that one of the security guards who was a little conscious was assaulted by the four men, who overpowered him and robbed the seven motorcycles UFC 947 Z, UFJ 944C, UFP 400G, UFH 796Q, UFK 497D, UFG 328F and UFQ 499F.
Police are yet to arrest any suspect, however, statements have been recorded from the 4 victims who consumed suspected laced substances and are currently receiving treatment from Nakabugo Health Centre.
“We have expedited the hunt for the suspects and more details will be availed as soon as possible. We however want to warn night watch men on guard beats to avoid consumption of substances from strangers,” says Owoyesigyire.