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Serena Hotel Employee drowns in River Nyamugasani


Serena Hotel Employee drowns in River Nyamugasani

The Police in Rwenzori East Region – Kasese have registered a death by drowning of Mbaju Sindani, a 42-year-old who occurred in R. Nyamugasani on Sunday 17th Sept 23 at 1900hrs.

According to Nelson Tumushime the PRO Rwenzori East Region, the deceased was a resident of Kighenge Village, Karujumbu Parish, Kitabo Sub-county in Kasese District, working with Serena Hotel in Kampala.

He was believed to be trying to cross the River from Kisinga Town Council.

His remains were retrieved from R. Nyamugasani today 18th Sept 2023 at around 1500hrs at Rwentutu Village, Kabirizi Parish, L. Katwe sub-county in Kasese District by residents and handed over to the relatives for a decent Burial.

Tumushime appealed to the general public to strictly follow the measures put in place, not to cross any flowing streams/ rivers in the area until they have confirmed from their partners that the water levels have drastically reduced, and to vacate areas that have been earmarked to be dangerous to lives and properties of the residents in Kasese/ Mountainous Areas.

He added that, following the History of the area, R. Nyamwamba and its 07 Tributaries are likely to flood thereby posing a great danger to the lives and properties of the people in Kasese.

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