Security Guard in trouble over the death of his boss who was kidnapped from Munyonyo in
Police at Kabalagala is investigating circumstances under which the body of Immaculate Mary Blessing Obene who went missing in January from Munyonyo, ended up in a septic tank at her home.
On January 6, at around 7 pm, Immaculate was taken by a drone, just a short distance from her gate, at Cornerstone, Mawanga Munyonyo. Announcements were made and her pictures pinned around the area, but nothing yielded any results.
Many people believed she was taken by the government during the ‘drone wave’, a time when several people were allegedly arrested and shoved into drones, for supporting the opposition. However, she was not involved in any political stand-offs.
The deceased’s husband Francis Obene informed the police about her mysterious disappearance and they have been searching for her ever since.
In a Closed Circuit Television –CCTV video shared by Reachout, a local Church in the area, Immaculate was seen being grabbed by men who dragged her into a Drone and then sped off.
She had gone to the shop to buy groceries. “She came here to buy G.nuts but found that I did not have any, so she went to the other shops. Later, she passed by and said goodnight, and left to go home. We were shocked the next morning, when we heard that she never got home” a shope keeper told TheUgPost.
The search was since mounted by Kabalagala police, Criminal Investigations Directorate –CID, Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence –CMI in Mbuya, and Special Investigations Division –SID in Kireka but yielded no results.
However, the family’s security guard at the time also went on a run following the incident, until last week, when he returned and was found hiding in the latrine at the residence.
The guard whose name is withheld by police was arrested after being cited at the property and handed over to authorities who interrogated him until he broke and revealed that Immaculate’s body was in the septic tank at home.
He then led the officers to the scene on Wednesday, where indeed, her body has discovered. However, details of her death are still scanty as police have not yet shared such.
According to ASP Luke Owoyesigyire the Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Police spokesperson, police was also still gathering all the possible pieces of information and exhibits to ensure that the true story behind Immaculate Obene’s death is unearthed.
By Thursday evening, police were still manning the residence and no one was allowed inside. Meanwhile, police also questioned Francis Obene, to ascertain if he had a hand in his wife’s death.