Ramadhan to begin on Tuesday April 13, 2021
The Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan is set to begin on Tuesday, following failure to sight the moon on Sunday, as earlier expected.
His Eminence Sheikh Muhammad Ali Waiswa the 2nd Deputy Mufti / Ag. Director of Sharia wrote at the start of the weekend, informing all Muslims to watch out for the moon sight on Sunday.
“I advise Muslims in Uganda to watch out for the moon sight on Sunday 11th April, 2021 because this will be the 29″ day of Shaban 1442 AH. Should the moon be sighted in the evening of 11″ April 2021, Ramadhan will commence on Monday 12″ April 2021, and failure to sight the moon on 11th April 2021 it will mean that Ramadhan will automatically begin on Tuesday 13″ April, 2021” Sheikh Muhammad said.
He also urged them that whoever will sight the moon or be in possession of reliable information on the issue is being requested to pass over the information to Uganda Muslim Supreme Council officials through their numbers.
“I therefore wish all Muslims a happy and successful fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadhan and appeal to you to fast strictly in accordance with the Islamic law/Sharia. Happy Ramadhan!” he added.
However, by this evening, the Crescent moon had not been sighted, meaning Ramadhan cannot being tomorrow, but that they have to wait until Tuesday. The announcement was made on Sunday evening by Sheikh Muhammad.
It is to be noted that in the Islamic calendar a month has either 29 or 30 days and today is the 29th day of sha’aban and so Tuesday will be day 1 of Ramadhan.
We wish all our Muslim brothers and sisters Happy Ramdhan.