President Museveni warns NRM legislators against using personal funds in constituencies
President Yoweri Museveni has cautioned members of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) Parliamentary caucus against using personal funds in the areas they oversee. He emphasized that this practice can lead to indebted leaders, which he considers dangerous.
President Museveni delivered this warning while inaugurating a 10-day NRM Parliamentary Caucus retreat at the National Army Leadership Institute (NALI) in Kyankwanzi, accompanied by First Lady Maama Janet Kataha Museveni.

Instead, the President urged caucus members to promote the NRM agenda of socio-economic transformation, which aims to encourage every household to engage in productive activities and generate income for prosperity. The government is actively promoting initiatives such as the Parish Development Model (PDM), Emyooga, and other Wealth Creation programs to facilitate the transition of Ugandans into the money economy.
During his address, President Museveni highlighted the importance of modernizing and transitioning from traditional practices to more contemporary approaches. He expressed satisfaction that some communities in Uganda have already embraced the NRM message, citing examples such as the adoption of dairy farming in the cattle corridor, coffee cultivation in Masaka, and palm oil production in Kalangala.

As the National Chairman of NRM, the President also cautioned caucus members against impeding his developmental proposals, emphasizing that such obstructions hinder progress and delay the country’s advancement. He urged them to desist from engaging in identity politics and instead focus on the politics of interest, as the latter brings people together without discrimination.
President Museveni drew a parallel between the NRA (National Resistance Army) and the Kabaka Yekka Party and UPC (Uganda People’s Congress), emphasizing how their different approaches shaped the nation’s political landscape.

The retreat was convened to coincide with the two-year mark since President Museveni’s inauguration for a new term (2021-2026), which centred on the theme “Securing Your Future” during the electoral campaign. The retreat primarily addresses the MPs’ involvement in Wealth Creation programs and other pertinent matters.
He stated, “You will get leaders who are indebted. Indebted leaders are dangerous,” emphasizing the potential risks associated with leaders using their own finances in their areas of responsibility.
The President also remarked, “Encourage people to modernize. Go from the traditional way of doing things to the modern way of doing things,” highlighting the importance of adopting contemporary approaches for socio-economic development.

Furthermore, he urged NRM Caucus members to cease obstructing his proposals, stating, “Stop blocking my proposals. You are wasting time. By now, Uganda would be very far in development.” Lastly, he stressed the distinction between identity politics and politics of interest, noting, “Politics of identity against the politics of interest is what made the NRA differ from Kabaka Yekka party and UPC.”