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Police officer in trouble for shooting, injuring his boss


Police officer in trouble for shooting, injuring his boss

Police in Mbarara District are holding No.55288 PC Mukundane Vincent an officer attached to Kashare Police Post for attempting to kill the Officer In Charge of the Police Post No.25907 SGT Muhoozi Bonifance, 53years.

The incident occurred at 0030/c in the night of 13/10/2022 when the suspect shot SGT Muhoozi while he was sleeping, leaving him with serious injuries

At the time of the shooting Mukundane was from the trading centre and very drunk.

According to ASP Samson Kasasira the PRO Rwizi Region, the suspect asked SGT Muhoozi to open his door which he hesitated to do, prompting the former to discharge 20 bullets through the door, leaving the latter with serious injuries

The cause of the shooting has not yet been established but the suspect has been arrested and the gun number UG Pol.56-131000517 retrieved.

The victim was rushed to Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital where he is receiving treatment.

Kasasira says they have commenced investigations into the matter to ascertain PC Mukundane’s motive.

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