Police officer commits suicide by hanging in Masindi
Police in Masindi are investigating circumstances under which one of their own, No.32307 SGT Okalebo Sam reportedly committed suicide by hanging.
It is reported that on 30th July 2021 arrived at PTS Kabalye for Officer Basic Course. Before joining the rest of the trainees, him together with his group were quarantined at Kihuba primary school for 14 days.
Fortunately, after 10 days of their Quarantine, they were tested for COVID-19 and all were found negative hence the school management decided to take them back to PTS Kabalye training school.
However, on 09/08/2021 at round 2100/, the officers were told to walk to the training school, but 8 of them reported sick, with the deceased inclusive, thus requested to be transported in a vehicle.
When the school ambulance arrived to transport them, the deceased said he was feeling better thus could walk to the school. At 0100/c a roll call was conducted and Okalebo was found missing.
This prompted the course coordinator ASP Dhikusoka to head back to Kihuba primary school to find out the deceased’s where about but in vain.
The search continued until when he was found hanging on a tree behind Kihuba catholic church.
Inquiries have been opened vide MSD CRB 556/ 2021, scene of crime visited by DPC and the team, scene of crime documented, exhibit of a piece of cloth suspected to have been used for hanging recovered and the body has been conveyed to the City mortuary for post mortem.
This is the second suicide by a police Officer on the same day, following another officer who shot himself in the head in Kalangala on Monday night.