Police announces Ugx20million prize for whereabouts of Most wanted person Sheikh Badir Diin Bukenya
The Joint Security Agencies have raised the reward for any information that may lead to the arrest of the most wanted person, one Sheikh Abu Ubaida Badir Diin Bukenya, the overall coordinator of domestic terror cells in the country, from Ugx5million to Ugx 20million.
It is believed that the reward will provide a significant incentive to anyone with credible information that will help lead to his arrest.
“The information can be shared on Telephone contact numbers; 0716-160261, 0717-179622 and 0715- 411674 We believe the reward will provide a significant incentive to anyone with credible information that will help lead to his arrest. The information can be shared on Telephone contact numbers; 0716-160261, 0717-179622 and 0715- 411674” police says.
Sheikh Bukenya is believed to be behind training and leading of gangs that have participated in a spate of murders of prominent persons, including the recent attack on Gen. Katumba Wamala, that led to the death of his daughter Brenda and driver Kayondo.