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Over 140,000 Ugandans receive Government relief funds as more than 150,000 numbers fail verification


Over 140,000 Ugandans receive Government relief funds as more than 150,000 numbers fail verification

A total of 143,642 beneficiaries have received the COVID-19 relief from government, representing 38% of the targeted 501,107 in Kampala Metropolitan Area, the 11 Cities and 30 Municipalities across the country.

As at 10:00am this morning, 14,712,531,850 Shillings had been paid out. According to Hon. Betty Amongi Ongom, the minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development, a total number of 377021 beneficiaries were registered and submitted, forming 75.23% of the target beneficiaries.

While addressing the media in Kampala on Tuesday, Hon. Amongi said only 31, out of 42 Cities/Municipalities have submitted 100% data.

Meanwhile, of the 377021 records submitted to the Ministry, a total of 150,915 records did not pass successful verification by Telecom Databases.

The minister says this is due to; Telephone numbers registered under different names from the National ID names, non-mobile money registered numbers and non-existent/unregistered numbers.

She however says these numbers will be sent back to the Cities/Municipalities either for correction or for payment using the Post Bank Mobile Facility, to the extent these beneficiaries possess a valid NIN.

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