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Health Ministry revises timeline for testing for COVID-19 to travel from 120 hours to 72 hours


Health Ministry revises timeline for testing for COVID-19 to travel from 120 hours to 72 hours

The Ministry of Health has reduced timeline for testing for COVID-19 prior to travel from 120 hours to 72 hours. This means individuals intending to travel to and out of Uganda need to have results from as few as 72 hours.

All travelers arriving or departing from Uganda are required to have a COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of travel with effect from 03 July 2021.

According to Dr. Henry G. Mwebesa the Director General Health Services Ministry of health, the 72-hour countdown begins on the day the sample is collected for testing.

“This is against the background that Uganda is experiencing a resurgence of COVID-19 in the country and in particular a number of variants are circulating both in country and across the world” Dr. Mwebesa said.

The Ministry further reiterated that all COVID-19 certificates for travelers, as the intended purpose of test.

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