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FDC urges Government to fast track Nalubale vaccine instead of begging foreigners


FDC urges Government to fast track Nalubale vaccine instead of begging foreigners

The Ugandan government should fast-track its own homemade COVID19 Vaccine Nalubale into a WHO-proven vaccine globally instead of relying on foreign unproven vaccines simply because it wants to trade with its allies, the opposition Forum for Democratic Change Party has advised.

While addressing the weekly Party press conference at Najjanankumbi on Monday morning, John Kikonyogo the FDC Deputy spokesperson said that Uganda through the president agreed to a barter trade agreement with Cuba on the premise that Uganda will exchange her exports for Cuban made Covid-19 vaccines.

He added that the Ugandan government has in stock a Lump Sum of unconsumed COVID-19 vaccines which will soon expire and that if it is not a wastage of Ugandan resources, why would they bring in more yet the available vaccines are not put into better use.

“Parliament passed through Ministry of Finance funds 300 billion to procure Covid-19 vaccine, has the money been utilized yet? Or there is a likelihood by the government not spend a penny and use the barter trade as a cover-up. Parliament also allocated money to develop our own, what is the logical conclusion of all these mixed statements on Covid 19 Vaccine?” Kikonyogo wondered.

He says that as a Party, they think that Ugandan Vaccine if approved promotes scientific and technological advancement of Ugandan-based pharmaceutical industry because, but over-reliance on foreign-made vaccines just kills Ugandans ability to think outside the box.

The government has been pushing for more Ugandans to get vaccinated before President Museveni can fully reopen the economy.

However, the President promised to fully open the country in January 2022 whether Ugandans are all vaccinated or not. The country was put in lockdown in March 2020 following the COVID19 outbreak and to date, some sectors of the economy remain under lock including schools, bars, and concerts.

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