Education, Health Ministries FastTrack vaccination of Teachers, students across the country
The Ministry of Education and Sports has partnered with their Ministry of Health counterparts, to align efforts towards getting teachers and learners above 18 years of age vaccinated.
The First lady, also Education Minister, Janet Kaha Museveni says that the Ministry of Health does publish information about districts and Health facilities these vaccines have been supplied to and shall inform the public once COVID19 vaccines are approved for people aged 12 – 16 years of age have become available. All vaccines issued by the government are not to be paid for by the recipients.
“Today, we appeal to the public to join us in efforts of mobilizing our teachers and learners aged 18 years and above in all the Education Institutions of Learning – both public and private, to go for their COVID-19 vaccination jab. The task of mobilizing our teachers and learners to get vaccinated cannot be left to the Ministry responsible for Education alone” Minister Kataha said on Monday.
She urged all collaborative stakeholders in the local governments such as District Chairpersons and Councilors, RDCs and RCCs, CAOs, DEOs among others to go out and sound the trumpet of mobilizing teachers to be vaccinated.
“We also extend our appeal to the various fraternity associations that bring together teaching staff, non-teaching staff, headteachers, principals, and other heads of tertiary institutions. Please use your formal and informal structures to get your respective teaching staff and the critical non-academic staff to go get their COVID-19 jab” she said.
President Yoweri Museveni locked Education institutions on June 18th, after several schools registered COVID-19 cases. However, when partially re-opening the country on July 30th, the President left schools under lock, arguing that they will be reopened after vaccination of teachers and children who are 12 years and above.