EC commences exercise of packing ballot papers, DR Forms ahead of 2021 Polls
The electoral commission has Saturday commenced the exercise of packing ballot papers for Presidential and Parliamentary election set for Monday 14th January 2021.
Justice Byabakama Mugenyi Simon the EC chairperson says they received the first batch of ballot papers and declaration of results forms for District Woman representatives to parliament on Wednesday 9th December 2020.
The commission later received ballot papers and declaration of results forms for other elective positions like Presidential, Directly elected Members of Parliament and Local Government Councils.
“Today, the electoral commission will commence the packing of ballot papers and Declaration of Results Forms for Presidential and Parliamentary elections, whose polling shall take place on 14th January 2021. The packing process is expected to take a period of seven days, after which the commission will embark on the second round of packing materials for District/City Local Government Councils Elections” Byabakama noted.
He added that Ballot papers and DR Forms are the last items to be included into the polling kit and that the polling kiyt is going to be sealed and the serial numbers of the seals will be recorded and shared with political parties and candidates. The kit will be stored at the EC awaiting dispatch to the respective districts on a date which will be communicated to stakeholders.
“We wish to emphasize that this timely packing and planned dispatch will enable the commission deliver the polling kit to all districts on schedule. For avoidance of doubt, the kit includes the following items; Ballot papers, Declaration of Results Forms, Polling Registers, Generic Polling Forms which include Accountability of ballot papers, official report book among others; Generic materials such as the ink pads, indelible ink, pens among others” Byabakama explained.
According to Justice Byabakama, all political parties and candidates for presidential elections were invited to observe the packing of the materials and they have also been invited to observe the packing of ballot papers and DR Forms.