2022 ICAF to celebrate contribution of small scale Fisheries
Sustainable Fisheries Initiative together with the National Organizing Committee (NOC) is organizing the International Conference on Artisanal Fisheries scheduled for the 1st -3rd of September 2022 at the Source of Nile Hotel in Jinja, Uganda as part of the celebrations for the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022).
The International Year of Artisanal Fisheries (IYAFA 2022) was declared in 2017 by the 72nd Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, with the FAO to serve as the lead UN agency, in collaboration with other relevant organizations and bodies of the United Nations system.
According to Bakora MosesExecutive Director Sustainable Fisheries Initiative – SFI, the conference will offer an open platform for dialogues, research presentations and technology exhibitions across the fisheries value chain.
The conference being organized under the theme “Breaking new grounds to recognize and celebrate the contribution of small scale fisheries towards food security and nutrition” is expected to attract over 500 scientists, development partners, state actors, young researchers, practitioners and exhibitors from across the globe.

The Objectives of the conference include; enhancing awareness, understanding and actions to support the contribution and sustainable development of artisanal fisheries and aquaculture to food security and nutrition, poverty eradication and use of natural resources, promoting a platform for sharing blue innovations, research findings and their translation into practice, dialogue and collaboration among artisanal fishers, governments and other partners to further strengthen their capacity to enhance sustainability, social development and well-being and bringing together a diverse range of practitioners, scientists, development partners and industry representatives working across different areas of the fisheries across the world.
The other objectives are: reflecting on Africa’s progress in achieving the SDGs and establishing new impetus to achieve sustainable fisheries, fostering interactions with development partners, financing institutions and solution providers, and advocating the benefits of collaboration and support towards achieving sustainable artisanal fisheries development, And contributing to the continuing development and expansion of international, regional and national partnerships and associations, and establish where they do not exist.

The four days’ conference will comprise plenary sessions with re-known keynote speakers, ministerial dialogues, parallel sessions comprising scientific oral paper presentations, poster paper presentations, exhibitions and field excursions among other activities.
The International Conference on Artisanal Fisheries (ICAF) is being organized by Sustainable Fisheries Initiative with strategic guidance and support of the National Organizing Committee which comprises: the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization, Directorate of Fisheries Resources under the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Makerere University, Fisheries Training Institute, Uganda Fish Processors and Exporters Association, Association of Fish and Lake Users of Uganda, Federation of Fisheries Organization of Uganda, Katosi Women, Uganda National Women Fish Organization and Yalelo Uganda.