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2020 Police Annual Crime Report shows increase in Domestic Violence, Defilement cases


2020 Police Annual Crime Report shows increase in Domestic Violence, Defilement cases

There was an 8.9% decrease in the volume of crimes reported to Police in the year 2020. According to the Police Annual Crime Report, crime has decreased from 215,224 cases reported in 2019 to 195,931 cases reported in the year 2020.

There was also a 4.7% reduction in the number of traffic accidents reported in 2020, from 12,858 accidents reported in 2019 to 12,249 accidents reported in 2020.

However, in terms of Fire and Rescue emergencies, there was a 1.6% increase in incidents handled, from 999 incidents handled in 2019 to 1,015 handled in 2020.

According to the report, the decrease in crime rate was influenced by several factors including; the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and the subsequent lockdown of some sectors, Anti-Crime infrastructure such as the CCTV Cameras and Community co-operation and the continuous sensitization.

Other factors that influenced a decrease in crime include; busting and dismantling of organised criminal syndicates in the country who were arrested, charged, remanded and some convicted and already serving sentences, Heightened operations targeting criminal hideouts and places where suspected stolen property is sold, Improved time of response by Police in situations of emergencies, Strengthened collaboration with sister security agencies in responding and investigation of cases, and Provision of resources like specialised equipment, motor vehicles to the force and Regional CID officers to enhance the management and supervision of cases.

Some of the cases that decreased in number include;

Thefts: 41,950 cases reported in 2020 were due to theft compared to 55,704 cases reported in 2019 giving a 24.6% decrease. Assaults: In 2020, 30,712 cases were reported compared to 31,895 cases reported in 2019, giving a 3.7% decrease.

Aggravated Assault (Acid cases): In 2020, a total of 02 cases were reported compared to 09 cases reported in 2019 indicating a 77.7% decrease. These were reported in the Districts of Kabarole and Lyantonde.

Common Assaults had a decrease of 3.4% from 25,698 cases reported in 2019 to 24,799 cases reported in 2020 and Aggravated assaults (general) decreased by 4.5% from 6,155 cases reported in 2019 to 5,911 cases reported in 2020.

Rape: 1,519 cases of rape were registered compared to 1,528 cases reported in 2019, giving a decrease of 0.5%. A total of 1,521 women were victims of rape.

Threatening Violence: By the end of 2020, total of 10,844 cases of Threatening Violence were reported compared to 11,592 cases in 2019, giving a 6.4% decrease.

Breakings: 10,113 cases of breaking were reported compared to 12,919 cases reported in 2019, giving a 21.7% decrease. Burglary had a decrease of 21.7% and House breaking had a 35.3% decrease.

Economic crimes: In the period under review, 10,057caseswere reportedcompared to 13,264cases reported in 2019, giving a 12.1% decrease. Obtaining by False Pretenceswas the highest category reported under Economic Crimes with 8,096 cases. Much as it was highest under this category, it reduced by a 23.6%.

Child Related Offences: 4.7% of the cases reported in 2020 were a result of Child Related Offences with 9,225 cases where children/juveniles were direct targets/victims of crime, compared to 10,596 cases reported in 2019, thus giving 12.9% decrease.  

Child Neglect had a 22.8% decrease, Child Desertionhad 12.8% decrease while Child abuse and torturehad 1.1% decrease.

Criminal Trespass: 7,505 cases were reported in 2020 compared to 7,920 cases reported in 2019, giving a 5.2% decrease.

Malicious Damage to Property. In 2020, a total of 7,370 cases were reported compared to 7,541 cases reported in 2019, giving a 2.2% decrease.

Robbery: 5,302 cases of Robbery were reported compared to 6,761 cases reported in 2019, giving 21.5% decrease.

Aggravated Robbery of Cash: In 2020, a total of364 cases of robbery of cash were registered in 2019 compared to 426 cases reported in 2019, giving a 14.5% decrease. A total of Ugx. 2,570,934,460 was robbed, out of which Ugx. 272,526,300 was recovered. Aggravated Robbery of Motor Vehicles: A total of 30 cases of aggravated robbery of Motor Vehicles were registered during the period under review compared to 85 cases reported in 2019 showing a decrease of 64.7%. 

Aggravated Robbery of Motorcycles: 349 cases of aggravated robbery of motorcycles were reported to Police compared to 529 cases reported in 2019, giving a 34% decrease. Homicide: 4,460 cases of homicide were reported to Police by the end of 2020 compared to 4,718 cases in 2019, giving a 5.4% decrease. Murder by Poisoning had a 22.5% decrease from 71 cases reported in 2019 to 55 cases reported in 2020 and Murder by Arson had 15.9% decrease form 44 cases reported in 2019 to 37 cases reported in 2020.

Murder by Assault: 1,358 cases of murders as a result of assaults were reported in 2020 compared to 1,773 cases reported in 2019, giving a 23.4% decrease. Assaults continue to be the leading cause of murders, followed by murder using blunt objects, murder by mob action among other causes.

Murder by Mob Action: 540 cases of murder by mob action were reported compared to 746 cases reported in 2019, giving a decrease of 27.6%.

A total of 547 persons were lynched, out of whom, 518 were male adults, 22 were female adults and 07 were male juveniles. There was no female juvenile lynched in the year under review.

Narcotics: 1,714 Narcotic related cases were reported compared to 2,750 cases reported in 2019, giving a decrease of 37.6%.

A total of 41.94kgs of assorted narcotics were seized at Entebbe International Airport compared to 132.012Kgs seized in 2019, giving a 68.2% decrease.

Terrorism: 02 cases of terrorism reported compared to 10 cases reported in 2019 giving 80% decrease.

Trafficking in Persons: 214 cases were registered in 2020 compared to 252 cases registered in 2019, giving a decrease of 15.1%. Incidents of internal trafficking were 118, incidents of transnational trafficking were 93 while incidents of suspected trafficking were 03.

A total of 666 persons were victims of Trafficking in Persons in 2020 compared to 455 victims in 2019. Of the 666 victims in 2020, 497 were victims of transnational trafficking, 166 were victims of internal trafficking while 03 victimswere unknown.

Land Fraud Cases: 319 cases of land related crimes were reported in 2020 compared to 345 cases reported in 2019, giving a 7.5% decrease.

A total of Ugx. 4,108,400,000 was lost in fraudulent land transactions as a result of obtaining money by false pretences, out of these, Ugx. 220,000,000 was recovered and 15 certificates of titles were recovered compared to Ugx.3,120,993,000 lost in 2019, out of which Ugx.282,000,000 and 42 certificates of titles were recovered.

Crimes which increased in number are;

Domestic Violence: 17,664 cases of Domestic Violence were reported to Police compared to 13,693 reported in 2019, giving a 29% increase.

Of 18,872people who were victims of Domestic Violence, 3,408 were male adults, 13,145 were female adults. 1,133were male juveniles while 1,186 were female juveniles.

Defilement: 14,134 cases were reported to Police compared to 13,613 cases reported in 2019, giving an increase of 3.8%. In 2020, 301 children were defiled by suspects who are HIV positive compared to 390 in 2019.

Cattle Rustling: A total of 20 cases of cattle rustling were registered compared to 02 cases registered in 2019. A total of 19 persons were killed while 15 others were seriously injured during the raids. The incidences of rustling took place in the Districts of Kaabong and Napak with 05 cases each, followed by Kotido and Abim with 04 cases each while Karenga and Moroto registered 01 case each.

Murder by Shooting: 249 cases were reported during the time under review compared to 181 cases reported in 2019, giving a 37.5% increase.

Murder by Strangulation: 436 cases of murders as a result of strangulation were reported in 2020 compared to 424 cases reported in 2019, giving a 2.8% increase.

Murder as a result of Domestic Violence: 418 cases were registered in 2020 compared to 360 cases reported in 2019, giving a 16.1% increase. This is because of lockdown where families were at home.

A total of 440 people were killed as a result of aggravated domestic violence, of whom, 213 were male adults, 169 were female adults, 33 were male juveniles and 24 were female juveniles as compared to 373 people killed in 2019 as a result of domestic violence, of whom, 175 were male adults, 141 were female adults, 37 were male juveniles and 20 were female juveniles.

Kidnaps: 207 cases of Kidnap were reported throughout the country compared to 159 cases reported in 2019, giving a 30% increase. 142 cases were real kidnaps while 65 cases were that of self-kidnap.

The Inspector General of Police JM Okoth Ochola (Esq) thanked President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda who initiated the Anti- crime infrastructure, continuously guided and supported the Uganda Police Force in fighting crime.

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