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Two more students arrested, another two on the run over Kyamate School fire


Two more students arrested, another two on the run over Kyamate School fire

Two more students have been arrested in connection to the fire that killed one student and injured three others at Kyamate SS in Ntungamo district.

Atukwatse Bonus a 13-year-old senior one student was killed in a fire that was intentionally set at around 2100/c on 26/02/2023 destroying a block housing 146 students of Senior One.

Marvin Nuwenyesiga, Isaiah Ajjuna and Amanya Lisbon were injured and rushed to Doctor Bedas Clinic in Ntungamo Town where they are admitted.

Property worth millions of shillings was also destroyed including books, suitcases, mattresses, clothes and the roof of the structure.

On Monday, four students were arrested in relation to the incident including; Kanyesingye Odongo Odmaro, Arinaitwe Anthony, Tumwesigye Arnold and Arinaitwe Elijah.

However, two others identified as Twesigye Lawrence and Kushaba Norman were arrested today, while another two are still on the run, these are; Asiimwe Joshua a student of Senior three and Tumushabe Wilber of the same class, who was suspended due to indiscipline but was cited in the school on 26/02/2023.

The police also recovered an exhibit of a jerrycan containing petrol and a blanket sucked in petrol indicating that the fire was started intentionally with a motive to destroy property or take life

Atukwatse was laid to rest yesterday 27/02/2023 in Rukoni East, Ntungamo District.

On Tuesday, a team headed by the SCP Apora James the Ag. Director of Police Fire and Rescue Services together with the territorial police of Rwizi Region and UPDF revisited the scene.  

According to ASP Kasasira Samson the PRO Rwizi Region, the meeting was called to assess the effects of the fire, put strategies in place to avoid future incidents of fire and also inspected the safety preparedness of the existing accommodation for students and other school structures.

The Director of Police Fire and Rescue Services also met with the School board members and the management where he emphasized safety precautions to be taken seriously, security, constant engagement of students through guidance/counselling and discipline of the students

Police are also investigating allegations that the deceased was tied to his bed before the fire was started. The allegations have been making rounds on social media with some people claiming that the crime was committed by students who were reported for bullying S.1 students.

The said report was allegedly made by the deceased. starting the fire inquiries into the matter have been opened to establish the circumstances behind the death of Atukwase Bonus because his body was burnt beyond recognition

“Police condemn acts of violence and recklessness that result in loss of life and property, all those involved in such acts shall be prosecuted for their actions,” says Kasasira.

Sarah K. Biryomumaisho is a seasoned multimedia Award Winning journalist with 11 years of experience in broadcast and writing. She is recognized for her expertise in the field and holds a Diploma in Business Administration from Makerere Business Institute, which has equipped her with a strong foundation in business principles. Sarah's commitment to professional development is evident through her continuous pursuit of knowledge and skills. She has obtained a Certificate in Media Management from Women in News, an esteemed organization dedicated to empowering women in the media industry. In 2020, she successfully completed a Course in Wikimedia, demonstrating her proficiency as one of the few Wikipedia Editors in the country. To further enhance her reporting capabilities, Sarah has also acquired a certificate in Gender Justice Reporting from The International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF). This specialized training has equipped her with a deeper understanding of gender-related issues and their portrayal in the media. Throughout her career, Sarah has contributed her talent to various media houses, including six radio stations, where she has showcased her versatility and adaptability. Her most recent engagements include Galaxy FM 100.2 and Radio 4. Additionally, she has served as a writer for Andariya Magazine, further demonstrating her ability to excel in different mediums. Sarah's expertise extends beyond journalism. She has worked as a Digital Communications consultant for the revitalized Uganda Airlines, leveraging her skills to effectively communicate the airline's message in the digital sphere. Her passion for digital media and technology makes her a valuable asset in the evolving landscape of communication. In her entrepreneurial pursuits, Sarah is the proud owner of TheUgPost, a renowned media organization with a strong presence in Uganda and a global reach. Through this platform, she continues to make a significant impact by providing reliable and engaging content to a wide audience. Sarah won the Top Environmental Journalist Award 2023 from Uganda Biodiversity Fund. Twitter;

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