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Museveni Takes Oath, AGAIN!


Museveni Takes Oath, AGAIN!

President Yoweri Tibuhaburwa Kaguta Museveni has been sworn in for a 6th term at Kololo Ceremonial grounds.

The president was sworn in by Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny Dollo, during a ceremony attended by thousands of invited guests. The CJ also handed him the instruments of power.

President Museveni receives national coat of arms  from CJ Owiny Dollo

The beginning of a new 5-year term extends Museveni’s rule as President of Uganda to 40 years.

At least 11 heads of state witnessed the swearing in of Museveni; these include; H.E. FÉLIX ANTOINE TSHISEKEDI TSHILOMBO, President of Democratic Republic Congo & Chairperson of the African Union.

H.E. UHURU KENYATTA, President of the Republic of Kenya & Chairperson of the East African Community.

H.E. ALPHA CONDE, President of the Republic of Guinea.

H.E. SALVA KIIR MAYARDIT, President of the Republic of South Sudan.

H.E. HAGE GEINGOB, President of the Republic of Namibia

H.E. NANA ADDO DANKWA AKUFO-ADDO, President of the Republic of Ghana.

H.E. MOHAMED ABDULLAHI MOHAMED FARMAAJO, President of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

H.E. EMMERSON DAMBUDZO MNANGAGWA, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe.

H.E. EVARISTE NDAYISHIMIYE, President of the Republic of Burundi.

H.E. SAMIA SULUHU HASSAN, President of the United Republic of Tanzania.

H.E. SAHLE-WORK ZEWDE, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

Museveni has been President of the Republic of Uganda, since he took power in 1986. He stood with 10 other candidates in an election that took place on January 14th 2021.

He was announced winner by Justice Simon Byabakama the EC Chairperson, on January 16th 2021 having garnered over 6 million votes.

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