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Legislators call for merging of UBC and New Vision


Legislators call for merging of UBC and New Vision

Members of Parliament want the government to consider merging Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) and the New Vision following reports of non-performance.

MPs came up with this proposal while scrutinizing the budgetary allocations to UBC for the Financial Year 2023/2024, arguing that government should not continue injecting money into an entity that they said has consistently underperformed.
“UBC is not living up to the expectations of the citizens. I want to believe that if UBC cannot deliver with the money we have already given it, then either wind it up or transfer it to another able agency,” said Hon. Elijah Mushemeza the MP Sheema County South.

Hon Mushemeza said that the Shs66 billion that UBC is seeking for digital transformation lacks grounds for its justification.
“People do not see the results; I find it hard to recommend giving money to something that remains abstract. What minds are you going to change with your abstract technology? It needs to be unpacked,” said Mushemeza.

This was during the Budget Committee meeting in which Hon. Igeme Nathan Nabeta, presented the report of the Committee of Information, Communication, Technology and National Guidance, on the budgetary projections of the ICT sector for the Financial Year 2023/2024.

Nabeta reiterated that government could make a policy shift that would enable UBC generate its own income through advertisements.

He proposed that all government owned entities could advertise on UBC and less on the private media.

MPs said that Parliament has for the past years allocated money to UBC and were dismayed that the entity is uncompetitive in the market, when other government owned media like the New Vision are making financial break through.
“They have emancipated that entity; after all there is duplication. Almost all that UBC does, New Vision does too; New Vision runs programmes countrywide and in local languages. Let UBC go to New Vision which is operating efficiently,” said Hon. Ibrahim Ssemujju (FDC, Kiira Municipality).

The West Budama North East MP, Hon. Fox Odoi-Oywelowo said the committee report reflects UBC as a bankrupt entity, with arrears of over Shs87 billion and wondered why it is not yet dissolved.
“Such entities are not resuscitated, they are wound up. I do not know why we should keep dumping money into something with no fruits,” said Odoi-Oywelowo.

Sarah K. Biryomumaisho is a seasoned multimedia Award Winning journalist with 11 years of experience in broadcast and writing. She is recognized for her expertise in the field and holds a Diploma in Business Administration from Makerere Business Institute, which has equipped her with a strong foundation in business principles. Sarah's commitment to professional development is evident through her continuous pursuit of knowledge and skills. She has obtained a Certificate in Media Management from Women in News, an esteemed organization dedicated to empowering women in the media industry. In 2020, she successfully completed a Course in Wikimedia, demonstrating her proficiency as one of the few Wikipedia Editors in the country. To further enhance her reporting capabilities, Sarah has also acquired a certificate in Gender Justice Reporting from The International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF). This specialized training has equipped her with a deeper understanding of gender-related issues and their portrayal in the media. Throughout her career, Sarah has contributed her talent to various media houses, including six radio stations, where she has showcased her versatility and adaptability. Her most recent engagements include Galaxy FM 100.2 and Radio 4. Additionally, she has served as a writer for Andariya Magazine, further demonstrating her ability to excel in different mediums. Sarah's expertise extends beyond journalism. She has worked as a Digital Communications consultant for the revitalized Uganda Airlines, leveraging her skills to effectively communicate the airline's message in the digital sphere. Her passion for digital media and technology makes her a valuable asset in the evolving landscape of communication. In her entrepreneurial pursuits, Sarah is the proud owner of TheUgPost, a renowned media organization with a strong presence in Uganda and a global reach. Through this platform, she continues to make a significant impact by providing reliable and engaging content to a wide audience. Sarah won the Top Environmental Journalist Award 2023 from Uganda Biodiversity Fund. Twitter;

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