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Heartless Mother dumps child into a garbage pit, as police search for killers of carpenter in Kanyanya


Heartless Mother dumps child into a garbage pit, as police search for killers of carpenter in Kanyanya

The police at Old Kampala are investigating circumstanced under which a woman wrapped a child of about three years in a polythene bag and threw it in a garbage pit.

ASP Luke Owoyesigyire the KMP Deputy spokesperson says the child was able to fight through the polythene and make an alarm, attracting residents who picked the child and reported to police.

Police are now searching for the heartless mother, while the child and protection unit is working to get him better treatment.

Meanwhile at Katwe police stations, detectives are searching for unknown assailants who attacked a man identified as Kamoga Allan a 22 year old carpenter, and killed him.

The incident happened around 10:00PM on Wednesday night in Kanyanya village on his way home from work. “He was attacked and beaten to death by people who are yet to be identified. Currently, police is on a hunt for these people” Owoyesigyire says.

He added that the body has been conveyed to Mulago City Mortuary for post mortem as investigations go on.

Owoyesigyire added that they have intensified operations in the area with an aim to catch the criminal gang that killed Kamoga.

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