Government revises Lunch Allowances for health workers
Government has revised Lunch Allowances for health workers from UGX. 3,000 to UGX. 15,000 and UGX. 2,000 to UGX. 10,000 for health workers in U7- UI and U8 respectively.
According to Catherine Birakwate the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Public Service, the move has been made in accordance with Section E-a (3) of the Uganda Public Service Standing Orders, 2010.
The revised rate of lunch allowance for health workers took effect on 1 st July 2021 and will be managed through the payroll. She noted that the Ministry will automate the increment on the payroll of August, 2021 together with the arrears of July 2021.
“In implementing the revised rate of lunch allowance for health workers, Responsible Officers are enjoined to comply with the provisions of Section E-a (6, 7 & 17 and E-b (20 & 22) of the Uganda Public Service Standing Orders, 2010” Birakwate says.
She added that responsible Officers are further advised to verify the payrolls and pay only those eligible to receive lunch allowance for Health Workers as guided by the Ministry of Health.