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Police investigate two cases of drowning in Kampala


Police investigate two cases of drowning in Kampala

Police in Kampala are investigating two cases of suspected drowning that occurred in areas of Nakivubo and Komamboga following the heavy downpour in the afternoon on Tuesday.

According to Asp Luke Owoyesigyire Deputy PRO KMP, the first incident was registered at Nakivubo when a young boy-only identified as Ronald who had allegedly camped in the channel to pick up scrap metals drowned. 

His body was conveyed to city mortuary Mulago.

Kawempe Police also received a similar incident, in which an unidentified man, believed to be in his late 30s drowned. His body was seen floating in a channel around Komamboga after the heavy rains and has since been retrieved and conveyed to city mortuary mulago for postmortem. 

Both cases will be investigated further, he said.

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