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Singer Chris Evans Out Of Prison After His Arrest In Sembabule District


Singer Chris Evans Out Of Prison After His Arrest In Sembabule District

Singer Chris Evans Kaweesi has been released from prison in Sembabule following his arrest over the weekend.

Evans’s arrest resulted from police trying to apprehend Hassan Nduga, a fellow musician who pocketed money from a Sudan-based promoter but failed to show up at the event.

The promoter filed a case against Hassan Nduga, and investigations into the matter have been ongoing.

Over the weekend, police were notified that the singer was lined up to perform in Sembabule, mediately launching an operation to get him arrested.

The police’s efforts to apprehend Hassan were unsuccessful because he disappeared in thin air. The operation, however, didn’t spare Chris Evans as he was jailed at Sembabule Central Police Station.

Chris Evans

However, Chris Evans Kaweesi and others were released earlier today, after spending a night behind coolers.

Hassan Nduga’s whereabouts were still unclear as of the time of publication, but the Police have insisted that they are still looking for him.

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