Equity Bank Addresses Stock Loan And Agent Financing Fraud With Commitment To Accountability And Customer Service
In our ongoing dedication to empowering our customers, businesses, and communities, we have consistently innovated products and services to provide convenience and support, unlocking the full potential of our customers.
Fostering strong relationships with our customers and stakeholders, the Bank has successfully expanded its reach, boasting a network of 50 branches, over 9,000 Equi Duuka agents, and 58 ATMs across the country, catering to over 2 million customers.
However, it is with regret that we inform you of the recent identification of potential fraud within our Stock Loan and Agent financing products.
Several individuals, including some staff and customers, are currently cooperating with law enforcement authorities as part of ongoing investigations.
Upholding the highest standards of accountability and transparency, the organization pledges to fully address any person found responsible for fraud or errors through adherence to our policies, procedures, ethical values, and, where applicable, the laws of the country.
Despite this ongoing investigation, customers can continue to access loans seamlessly through all our branches and banking channels without interruption.
The Board of Directors and management are fully committed to resolving and concluding this matter. Our unwavering focus remains on our core purpose of transforming lives, providing dignity, and expanding opportunities for wealth creation.