Cabinet passes Uganda Human Organ Donation and Tissue Transplant Bill 2020
Cabinet considered and passed the Uganda Human Organ donation and tissue transplant bill 2020. The development was discussed during a cabinet meeting on Monday at State House Entebbe, chaired by President Y.K. Museveni.
According to the Information Minister Chris Baryomunsi, this is a proposed law intended to provide for; regulation of removal, storage transportation of human organs, tissues, and cells for therapeutic purpose, to establish the Uganda Organ Transplant Council, to provide for the designation of hospitals as transplant centers and to provide for the approval of human organ, tissue and cell banks
The law is also meant to provide for appropriate consent for purposes of human organ, tissue, and cells donations and transportations, to prohibit commercial dealings in human organs, tissues, and cells, to protect the dignity and identity of every person and guarantee, without discrimination, respect for his or her integrity and other rights and fundamental freedoms with regard to donations and transplant of organs, tissues, and cells and to regulate the transplantation of organs, tissues and cells of human organs carried out for the therapeutic purpose.
The other objectives of the proposed law are; provide for a system to ensure equitable access to transplantation services to patients, traceability of organs, tissues and cells and recall procedures and to provide for offences and punitive penalties for illegal dealings in human organs, tissues, and cells and for related matters.
Meanwhile, the cabinet was also considered a cabinet information paper on the World Science week/Science day 2021 presented by the Minister for Science, Technology, and Innovation.
The National Science week 2021 whose theme is “Breaking the Silos and leveraging STI synergies for a sustainable knowledge-based workforce leading to National Economic Transformation in Uganda, is intended to: Increase the understanding and appreciation of science in Uganda and highlight its contribution to national economic transformation, facilitate increased awareness of the general population of the scientific and technological potential of the country, facilitate advocacy for increased Gross Domestic Expenditure on Research and Development and encourage young people to study science courses and pursue science-based careers with equal opportunity to all.