Man robbed of Shillings 178 million in Kween District
The police in Kween have launched a manhunt for assailants who robbed Shs 178 million from Kwemboi Davis, a 23-year-old employee of Atlanta Bukwo Electronics Company LTD and a resident of Kapkureson cell in Kapkureson ward, Bukwo Town Council, in Bukwo District.
It is alleged that on February 5th, 2024, at 11:14 a.m., Kwemboi was robbed of the money at Sukut village, Moyok SC, along the highway in Kween District. The robbery occurred while he was transporting the money to Kapchorwa Centenary Bank.
According to Chesang Fredmark the PRO Sipi Region, three assailants traveling on a motorcycle Reg No. UFZ 633B, knocked down the victim who was riding a motorcycle Reg No. KMGl 029 J.
They then proceeded to steal a bag containing the money and fled in a waiting motor vehicle Reg No. UBM 480F, a black Rumo make, towards Kapchorwa on the Bulambuli highway.
However, one assailant was left behind with the motorcycle UFZ 633B Bajaj and was lynched at the scene.
D/AIP Isale Robert and his team responded to the scene and documented it. The body of the deceased assailant was taken to Kaproron Health Centre IV for postmortem, and the motorcycle Reg No. UFZ 633B was impounded and exhibited at Kween Police Station.
Chesang says inquiries are ongoing to arrest and prosecute the suspects. He urged the public to always seek armed security personnel to escort large sums of money to the bank to prevent loss of money or property.