
Senior police officer in trouble over death of suspect

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The police in Matugga, Wakiso District have arrested four people following the death of a suspect in police custody.    

The suspects have been identified as Godfrey Mayende a property broker, Dennis Bulime a local council chairperson of Kavule Village, Allen Nanfuka, and another unidentified man. 

The suspects allegedly colluded with police officers at Jjagala police post, arrested and assaulted the deceased identified as John Kisero jointly with four of his relatives before they were detained at Matugga Police Station.  

According to the family members, Kisero sustained injuries from the assault leading to his death while his relatives were remanded to Buwambo Prison on charges of alleged criminal trespass.  

Kisero allegedly died in the police cells and the body was quietly taken to Mulago City Mortuary where attendants called the family to pick up the body.  

A copy of the police bond obtained from the family shows that Kisero had earlier been charged with criminal trespass and granted bond before he was arrested again.

However, Luke Oweyesigyire the Kampala Metropolitan Police Deputy Spokesperson insists that Kisero did not die from police custody, but instead died at Buwambo Health Center where he had been admitted for three days. 

Oweyesigyire adds that the Professional Standards Unit – PSU has started investigations against the Officer in charge of Criminal Investigations, Clare Kamugungize. She was summoned by the CID headquarters and PSU on accusations of misconduct. 

He also noted that the Police officers at Jjagala will be transferred to other stations and redeployed because they did not participate in the arrest of deceased Kisero.  

Adding that it is the police from Matugga that participated in the arrest of the deceased and other family members.    
Police say the case resulted from a land dispute where Nanfuka was imprisoned for intermeddling with Kisero’s property. 

Stephen Sebunya, one of the family members said that they have been living in fear after Mayengo and Nanfuka threatened to kill them for protesting their move to take over and sell the disputed land.  

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