
Police Flying Squad disbanded again

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The Police Flying Squad which has been serving as the force’s violent crime crack unit has been dissolved by the Inspector-General of Police Martin Okoth Ochola.
According to the communication sent through a radio message to all operatives, Flying Squad had been disbanded, and is no longer recognized among police units.

The officers who were under the unit have now been urged to go to Crime Intelligence headquarters or be incorporated into the Special Investigations Division [SID] in Kireka.

In his third month as IGP after taking over office from Gen Kale Kayihura Ochola, Ochola disbanded the unit which was under the leadership of Assistant Commissioner of Police, Herbert Muhangi.

Flying Squad had become infamous for participating in the reported torture of suspects. However, Ochola reversed his decision on the advice of the Policy Advisory Committee –PAC on the vital role Flying Squad was playing in dealing with gun-related violence,

The, IGP then ordered all personnel that were under Flying Squad during ACP Muhangi’s leadership, to report to Criminal Investigations Directorate –CID headquarters at Kibuli. CID Director Grace Akullo was tasked to screen all the operatives and only remain with those who did not have a bad service record. At the end of the screening, the numbers were reduced from 130 to 80 operatives.

According to Fred Enanga the Police Spokesperson, the final position will soon be communicated.

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