
Suspicious Pilgrims arrested in Bukwo for unlawful Procession

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The police have in custody 20 people who were found claiming to be Christians going to RTiiwo Hill in Bukwo district to a mountain for prayers.

The group of people all wearing white clothes, consule’s, vails, caps and armed with walking sticks, were arrested on Friday at 9:00am. They are currently detained in Kapchorwa CPS, pending investigations to establish their real motives.

Six of them escaped the arrest. However, two of them were later apprehended by members of the public and handed over to police making a total of 20 suspects arrested.

The group walking on their way to the mountain

They are being charged with unlawful assembly and unlawful procession. Among the suspects arrested, are; Catholics, Muslims, Anglicans and born again Christians. These people were led by one Swaibu Sande claiming to be a prophet being guided by God’s spirits of whatever he does and he heals people on powers of God.

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