
Finally; Tanzania announces Travel Advisory as new COVID-19 Variants emerge across the world

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The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has continued to implement measures towards controlling COVID-19 Pandemic. Based on the global epidemiological Situation and emergence of new variants of viruses that cause COVID-19, there is an increased risk of their importation into our country.

A statement from Prof. Abel Makubi, the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children indicates that the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has decided to elevate and enhance prevailing preventive measures especially those with regard to International Travel.

In view of this, the Government has updated the Travel Advisory No. 5 of 5″ August, 2020 to version No.6, effective from 4″ May 2021 to accommodate additional measures related to international travels as follows:

1. All authorities at points of entry should ensure adherence to preventive measures by travellers and staff including hand hygiene, use of alcohol-based sanitizers, physical distancing and wearing of face-masks.

2. All travellers are required to truthfully fill in an online Traveller’s Surveillance Form available at https: within 24 hours before arrival to Tanzania.

3. All travellers, whether foreigners or returning residents will be required to present a negative COVID-19 test certificate upon arrival. The test should be based on Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) using sample collected within 72 hours before arrival to Tanzania.

4. All travellers, whether foreigners or returning residents entering or leaving the United Republic of Tanzania, will be subjected to enhanced screening for COVID-19 infection including a Rapid test to those arriving from countries with high number of COVID 19 cases. The cost for the Rapid test is 25 USD per traveller.

5. All travellers, whether foreigners or returning residents arriving from countries with new COVID 19 variants based on WHO daily updates or those who have travelled through those countries in the last 14 days regardless of route taken shall be subjected to rapid test at Point of Entry followed by 14 days mandatory quarantine at their own cost.

6. Travelers subjected for mandatory quarantine shall choose a place from the list designated by the Government. Returning residents will be allowed to isolate themselves in their homes.

7. Upon arrival at any point of entry (Airport, ground crossing or Ports), all travellers will be provided with health information cards with toll free number and advised to self-monitor for symptoms and signs. In case they develop any symptoms and signs, they will be tested and treated at designated health facilities by the Government at their own cost.

8. Travelers on transit in other countries more than 72 hours will be required to be re-tested by rapid test upon arrival in Tanzania.

9. Crew members shall be required to present a valid negative COVID-19 test certificate as a condition of entry or departure. In addition, they will be screened for symptoms and signs in fine with the country’s protocol.

10.While in the country, all international travellers should adhere to Infection Prevention and Control measures such as hand hygiene, mask wearing and physical distancing as deemed appropriate.

11. All arriving/departing conveyances must provide Advance Passenger Information So as to allow the Authorities at the Points of Entry to scrutinize the manifest for possible high-risk passenger identification.

12. Pilot/Captain/Driver in command of conveyance should, prior to/on arrival, submit to Health Authorities at Points of entry dully filled conveyance health declaration forms (Health Part of General Declaration, Maritime Health Declaration and Ground Transport/Vehicles Health Declaration Form).

13.All Conveyance operators should adhere to Infection Prevention and Control measures such as hand hygiene, mask wearing and physical distancing as appropriate;

14. Arriving Conveyances will be subjected to decontamination at Point of Entry where necessary.

Additional Measures relating to trucks/vehicles carrying Goods and Services: Have only 2-3 crew Members per vehicle to facilitate smooth border crossing in the region.

Crew members have to declare their final destinations at the Points of Entry (POE), and during their journey are allowed to only stop at locations designated by the Government.

Truck will be decontaminated before it is allowed to continue to its final destination if driver or crew members are suspected to have COVIO-19 or tested COVID-19 positive.

Driver or crew members will be subjected to enhanced screening at Points of Entry and may be quarantined or isolated at designated facilities at their own cost in case they are suspected of COVID-19 infection.

In case crews are quarantined/isolated while on transit, truck owners/operators must make necessary arrangements to back-up their crew to ensure that goods are delivered to the intended destination.

All drivers or crew members with negative COVID-19 may randomly be selected for re-testing upon arrival for quality assurance.

In case of any medical emergency while in the United Republic of Tanzania, please call Toll Free Health Emergency Number; 199.

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