
Candidates warned against malpractice as 2020 UACE Examinations kickoff

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98,393 have today Friday April 9th, 2021 started their Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) examination at2,339 Examination Centres countrywide.

The examination starts with briefing of candidates this afternoon.

58.1% of the candidates are boys while 41.8% are girls. 17,647 of the learners studied under the Universal Post O’ Level Education and Training (UPOLET) Program while 80,746 are non-UPOLET leaners.

200 candidates have Special Needs Education (SNE) necessities, with 55 requiring special support personnel like transcribers and sign language interpreters.

According to Dan Odongo the UNEB Executive Secretary, the Board has planned for all these SNE learners to access the necessary support.

“Like in the previous examinations, candidates with advanced pregnancies who may manifest with challenges, as well as breastfeeding mothers will be accorded an extra 45 minutes. The UACE examination is the last in the series of examinations conducted by UNEB this season. Like the just concluded Primary Leaving Examination (PLE), UACE is to be conducted under the new UNEB Act 2021 that was gazetted on March 29, 2021” Odongo said.  

He added that under the Act, the scope of offenses has been expanded, to for instance include persons who neglect their duty in preventing/ reporting malpractice which comes to their knowledge. The sanctions for the offenses under examinations malpractice have also been increased from six months imprisonment to five years imprisonment; or a fine of five million shillings, or both.

“Any suspects of examinations malpractice will therefore be charged under the provisions of the New Act. Members of the public with information that may lead to persons involved in suspected malpractice should call our toll-free No: 0800-211-077. The whistle Blower will be protected under the Boards’ Whistle Blower’s policy” Odongo added.

Candidates have been urged to acquaint themselves with the instructions and regulations contained therein.

“Candidates should be aware that breach of instructions, regulations, involvement in irregularities, misconduct or dishonest acts like cheating and impersonation may lead to disqualification or cancellation of results of a candidate or all candidates at the Centre.”

Odongo advised them to desist from any form of irregularities and not to allow to be misled by anyone.

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