
Barbie Kyagulanyi graduates with Master’s in Human Rights from the University of London- Photos

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The National Unity Platform President Robert Kyagulanyi has congratulated his wife Barbie Kyagulanyi upon her graduation with a Master’s degree in Human Rights from the University of London (School of Advanced Studies).

Barbie flanked by her daughter at the graduation in London

Barbie says she is excited to be leaving London with a much-deserved Master’s Degree in Human Rights from the University of London, on this International Human Rights day 2021. She applauded her husband for supporting her throughout the journey.

“I leave London with a much deserved Masters Degree in Human Rights from the University of London. I am most grateful to my husband for the FULL and UNRESERVED support! You are my Rock Taata. Thank you! Thank you for encouraging me and for being patient with me while I ventured into a very challenging academic journey” she writes.

Barbie with her daughter at the event

Barbie also thanked the People Power foot soldiers who allowed her to dig deep into their personal lives for her Thesis. “I will forever be grateful.”

She also thanked her friend Kiyaga Cissy who she says opened her little room at Makerere University campus for most of her last-minute “winter classes” as well as the NUP Secretary-General David Lewis Rubongoya, for the support he rendered during the MA.

“Finally to my parents and Children, you are the wind beneath my wings. Our God is an awesome God. He is indeed able; he has done wonderful things in my life!” shew says.

Kyagulanyi took to social media earlier to congratulate her. “Congratulations to you dear Barbie Kyagulanyi upon your graduation with a Masters degree in Human Rights from the University of London (School Of Advanced Studies). You are such an inspiration to this generation and the next one, especially the girl child. Oh how proud I am of you my love. Congs again” Kyagulanyi wrote.

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