New Secondary Curriculum Lauded But Teachers Need More Training
Educationists say the new secondary curriculum is facilitating a great transition in the education sector, but the teachers who are supposed to implement it need more training.
The head teacher of St. Peter’s Naalya Gift Turyasingura says the training given to the teachers is not enough to have them effectively implement the curriculum so more training must be carried out to address the unique demands of the curriculum.
She says the curriculum requires a small number of students in a class and this is making it difficult for the private schools to implement it because this implies that the school must recruit more teachers but enroll fewer learners.
She made the remarks while announcing the activities of the school to mark its 25 years of existence.
“When you view its nature, it generally gives a final product of a student who is responsible for themselves, and it doesn’t matter the level of education they have stopped at they can survive by themselves”, Turyasingura said.